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Project Details


Design, Construction and Assessment of Wells and Well Pump Stations


City of Mountain View


Santa Clara County

Projects    |   Wells & Pump Stations

Design, Construction and Assessment of Wells and Well Pump Stations

Wells & Pump Stations

Project Details


Design, Construction and Assessment of Wells and Well Pump Stations


City of Mountain View


Santa Clara County

Ensuring the resiliency of municipal drinking water supply with from groundwater supply wells

The City of Mountain View operates 7 groundwater supply wells to meet approximately 10% of the City’s total drinking water needs. We have provided a variety of hydrogeological and engineering services to the City since the 1980s.

We recently devised and implemented a focused well rehabilitation program and site improvements for one of the wells. Rehabilitation methods were informed by an initial investigation, including video logging of the well structure. We also developed engineering specifications and drawings for electrical upgrades and installation of a new submersible well pump. We assisted the City in the selection of qualified contractors and provided construction management, oversight, and inspections, ensuring compliance with the engineering plans and specifications.

Currently, we are conducting a well siting study for a new municipal water supply well to provide backup supply to the City’s current inventory of wells and ensure system reliability. The goal of the study is to identify a site with the highest likelihood of meeting a target yield of 1,000 gpm while meeting current drinking water quality standards and minimizing the need for additional infrastructure to connect the well to the City’s distribution system.

Significant Project Elements

  • Civil engineering design of well pump station facilities
  • Construction management and field inspections
  • Well pump station testing and identification of recommended improvements
  • Development and supervision of well structure modifications and rehabilitation work

Project Details


Design, Construction and Assessment of Wells and Well Pump Stations


City of Mountain View


Santa Clara County

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