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Treatment, Storage & Distribution

Treatment, Storage & Distribution

Comprehensive Full Service

We deliver the services you need from early planning phases to start up

Small or large, new or retrofit, private or public municipal water system, we have the expertise to meet your water treatment and distribution system project needs.

Over the last 40 years, we have been recognized for practical solutions. Comprehensive full-service engineering planning, design, estimation, and construction management are cornerstones of our work. We promote close coordination with our clients for the best possible outcome.



  • Full-service planning, permitting, engineering design, and construction services
  • Groundwater treatment technologies and design for drinking water including removal of arsenic, hexavalent chromium, total dissolved solids/salinity, nitrate, organic constituents, iron, and manganese.
  • Surface water treatment feasibility and design for municipal drinking water
  • Point-of-Use (POU) and Point-of-Entry (POE) permitting and design for small drinking water systems
  • Disinfection systems including liquid/gas chlorination, chloramination, UV treatment and onsite generation
  • Chemical treatment systems including fluoridation, caustic and acid systems
  • Water storage tanks and reservoirs
  • Booster pump stations
  • Water main pipeline, distribution systems and pressure reducing stations
  • Distribution system hydraulic modeling and analysis
  • Water Master Plans, water system master planning and Capital Improvement Plan development
  • Urban Water Management Plans
  • Permitting assistance for municipal public water systems, drinking water treatment plants and facility designs
  • Pilot testing and feasibility studies
  • Municipal District-Engineering consulting services
  • SB555 Water Loss Audits (certified validator)

Beltz Well No. 12 Treatment Plant and Site Improvements

We prepared the design and performed construction oversight for the potable groundwater treatment plant in the City of Santa Cruz. Treatment involved modern filtration systems for the removal of high levels of iron and manganese that exist in the natural groundwater environment. An initial design basis evaluated filter options and...

Enterprise-Northrop Reservoir and Booster Station

The Enterprise-Northrop Reservoir and Booster Station provide conjunctive use and groundwater basin management flexibility for the Sacramento Suburban Water District (SSWD). The project allows SSWD to take delivery of and store treated surface water from multiple sources, including the City of Sacramento and the SSWD water system. We provided design...

Delta Coves Chemical Feed Facility

We prepared project plans and specifications and performed construction oversight for the new chemical treatment facility located near Bethel Island. The facility was needed in preparation for a large subdivision at the boundary of the District’s existing distribution system. The distant location of the new subdivision introduced the possibility of...

Lime Saddle Regional Intertie

Del Oro Water Company currently provides water service to over 20,000 customers across 20 service districts throughout California. We have been providing comprehensive engineering and hydrogeologic services to Del Oro Water Company for over 20 years. For this project, we provided planning, engineering design, and construction management of the Lime...

Beltz Well No. 12 Treatment Plant and Site Improvements

We prepared the design and performed construction oversight for the potable groundwater treatment plant in the City of Santa Cruz. Treatment involved modern filtration systems for the removal of high levels of iron and manganese that exist in the natural groundwater environment. An initial design basis evaluated filter options and...

Enterprise-Northrop Reservoir and Booster Station

The Enterprise-Northrop Reservoir and Booster Station provide conjunctive use and groundwater basin management flexibility for the Sacramento Suburban Water District (SSWD). The project allows SSWD to take delivery of and store treated surface water from multiple sources, including the City of Sacramento and the SSWD water system. We provided design...

Delta Coves Chemical Feed Facility

We prepared project plans and specifications and performed construction oversight for the new chemical treatment facility located near Bethel Island. The facility was needed in preparation for a large subdivision at the boundary of the District’s existing distribution system. The distant location of the new subdivision introduced the possibility of...

Lime Saddle Regional Intertie

Del Oro Water Company currently provides water service to over 20,000 customers across 20 service districts throughout California. We have been providing comprehensive engineering and hydrogeologic services to Del Oro Water Company for over 20 years. For this project, we provided planning, engineering design, and construction management of the Lime...