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Project Details


McLaughlin Well Field


San Jose Water


Santa Clara County

Projects    |   Wells & Pump Stations

McLaughlin Well Field

Wells & Pump Stations

Project Details


McLaughlin Well Field


San Jose Water


Santa Clara County

Maximizing well field groundwater supply while minimizing well interference.

The McLaughlin well field was developed as part of San Jose Water’s ongoing program to upgrade its groundwater supply system. We performed the initial site investigation, developed well designs for six new wells, oversaw well construction and testing, and provided recommendations for new well equipment to maximize station yield and minimize pumping interference.  As part of the project, we evaluated the performance of wells constructed with gravel versus glass beads.

The project included a comprehensive records review of nearby wells’ construction details, yield and performance data, groundwater quality, and nearby land use. This effort, in combination with site-specific data collection, including (i) the advancement of a test hole, (ii) formation sample collection, (iii) geophysical logging, (iv) construction of a multi-piezometer monitoring well, and (v) groundwater quality testing, contributed to the development of a conceptual hydrogeologic model that identified the target aquifer zones and their characteristics.

Following construction, we provided engineering design recommendations for equipping the wells with vertical turbine lineshaft well pumps. We carefully evaluated parameters affecting the final design and the selection of the pumping equipment, including an analysis of the relationship between the system flow requirements, their effects on pumping levels in the wells, the variable hydraulic losses in the well head piping, and the distribution system, and the mutual well interference effects associated with all wells or a selection of wells operating simultaneously. The analysis of the system-head relationship for each well pump ensured each well pump was designed to maximize capacity and account for significant mutual well pumping interference.

Significant Project Elements

  • Hydrogeologic investigation
  • Well designs
  • Evaluation of gravel vs. manufactured glass beads for gravel pack material
  • Permitting
  • Construction specifications
  • Well construction oversight
  • Well testing
  • Pump recommendations

Project Details


McLaughlin Well Field


San Jose Water


Santa Clara County

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