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Project Details


Lime Saddle Regional Intertie


Del Oro Water Company


Butte County

Projects    |   Treatment, Storage & Distribution

Lime Saddle Regional Intertie

Treatment, Storage & Distribution

Project Details


Lime Saddle Regional Intertie


Del Oro Water Company


Butte County

Bridging Paradise to Lake Oroville with a clean and reliable source of drinking water

Del Oro Water Company currently provides water service to over 20,000 customers across 20 service districts throughout California. We have been providing comprehensive engineering and hydrogeologic services to Del Oro Water Company for over 20 years. For this project, we provided planning, engineering design, and construction management of the Lime Saddle Regional Intertie Project.

The project encompassed the design and construction of improvements to an existing surface water treatment plant, a new lake intake pump station, the design and construction of a new storage tank, two new 2,500 gpm booster stations, and the modification of an existing booster pump station. The project also included the installation of a 16-inch C905 water transmission line approximately 12,100 lineal feet in length to convey treated water from the Lime Saddle water treatment plant supplied by Lake Oroville to the upper reaches of the water service area in Paradise, CA. The pipeline was designed for operating pressures up to 275 psi with approximately 900 feet of elevation gain. LSCE developed plan and profile sheets documenting areas of trenching where hard rock was expected. The majority of the pipeline route was contained within the public right-of-way, and therefore, LSCE worked with Butte County to determine encroachment permit requirements and the extent of necessary roadway improvements to incorporate these into the pipeline/trench details in the project plans. Specialized rock trenching machinery was utilized by the contractor during the construction of the project to trench through the lava cap present throughout the entire length of the transmission line route.

Significant Project Elements

  • Civil engineering design of treatment, storage, and conveyance facilities
  • Difficult excavation conditions posed by volcanic rock
  • Stringent dust control during rock excavation activities
  • Construction management and site inspections of work performed
  • State Revolving Fund Loan Compliance and Coordination
  • Multi-staged commissioning and startup of new facilities
  • Facilitation of effective communication between state and local agencies and the public.

Project Details


Lime Saddle Regional Intertie


Del Oro Water Company


Butte County

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